Setup Flexnet license server for Avizo

Download and extract software

  1. Download FlexNet tools from
  2. Exact the downloaded package into : ~/jinghuage/flexnet/

Install the server on Mac OS 10.8.5

From the FAQ page, find the section named: How to install lmadmin on Mac OS X. Follow the instructions.


  1. in step 3, the instructions assume you have the root user enabled. Usually it’s not. So you can use sudo su instead of su
  2. note: the /Applications/FNPLicenseServerManager/ directory is owned by user lmadmin
  3. one step missing: need to add a logs directory and a console.log file underneath it, inside /Applications/FNPLicenseServerManager/ directory. Make sure they all owned by user lmadmin.
  4. you still should finish the FlexNetLmadminInstaller GUI to setup a webserver on localhost:8090, even tho the start server won’t work without all of the step 3 instructions.

After installation is done, run the service as root (or sudo):

sudo /Library/StartupItems/LMadmin start

check if lmadmin is running by:

ps -edf | grep lmadmin

If lmadmin didn’t start correctly, check console.log for some info

Configure the server

From the major installation webpage, skip the whole chapter 3 Install a FlexNet license server. Go to chapter 4 Configure the FlexNet license server. Follow the instructions, they should work just fine.

AT section 5.2.1 Online activation, one thing to note:

The activation line::
ServerFNOODActivation -a A1A2-B2D6-0CD4-044B Avizo_9.0 5

may give an error as: ServerFNOODActivation : command not found.

Make sure you are under directory ~/jinghuage/flexnet/flexnet-server_11.12.1.1-2_MacOSX-x86_64-gcc42/FlexNetLicenseServerTools, because the command ServerFNOODActivation is there. If ./ is not in your path, run the activation as

./ServerFNOODActivation -a A1A2-B2D6-0CD4-044B Avizo_9.0 5

Note: if it’s not the first time you activated the licenses, you need to do:

sudo /Library/StartupItems/LMadmin stop
sudo /Library/StartupItems/LMadmin start

to restart the flexnet server lmadmin. Go to localhost:8090 to see the concurrent licenses updated. the restart optinos doesn’t seem to work so make sure to stop and start again .You don’t need to do the admin login anymore (and it seems to not let you login anyway). And since the “import license.dat” step is done not changed, you don’t need to redo that either.