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Advanced Visualization Service Laboratory (AVSL)

We offer scientific visualization training to research community across LONI and students at LSU since 2008. Here is this year's training schedule. Check HPC@LSU training website for updates.

In Spring 2011, LSU Chemistry professor Dr. Butler, Biology professor Dr. Homberger and Dr. Jinghua Ge co-taught a 3D visualization course through LSU Honors College (HNRS 3035). The class took place at the Middleton Viz Lab. Nine students participated in the course. The students had diverse backgrounds in physics, philosophy, biological engineering, and anatomical sciences. Visualization software ImageJ, Mathematica and Avizo are used throughout the class to teach students 2D and 3D visualization skills applied to real scientific datasets in anatomy and material science. The gallery page shows some of the student's visualization work.

The multidisciplinary class at Spring'11 proved to be very successful, we are offering it again at Spring'12 as a 4000 level course at Department of Chemistry (CHEM 4581). This time we will also make heavy usage of VisIt, the open source parallel visualization software, with the support from LSU HPC. The class will take place at the Frey Viz Lab (formerly Middleton Viz Lab). Graduate students will be able to get credits. Undergraduate student can still be honored through the Honor's college.

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