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Advanced Visualization Service Laboratory (AVSL)

We have long been working with LSU scientists and researchers in interdisciplinary visualization connection and research projects. Some prominent examples include: (randomly listed)

  • Enable parallel volume rendering and streamline visualization on large scale simulation data representing jet streams produced as stars or other stellar objects form and merge. Collaborator: Dr. Jan Staff, Department of Physics & Astronomy.

  • Develop custom modules in VisTrails to analyze complex aspects of the binary star merger in quantitative detail. Collaborator: Dr. Joel Tohline, Department of Physics & Astronomy.

  • Develop quantitative analyses workflow to process large variety of neutron and synchrotron X-ray tomography datasets in material science. Collaborator: Dr. Leslie Bulter, Department of Chemistry.

  • Construct an animated virtual 3D model composed of skeletons, muscles, ligaments, and fascias guided by MRI, ultrasound images and X-ray cinematography of a singing bird. Collaborator: Dr. Dominique Homberger, Department of Biology.

  • Optimize large scale unstructured mesh data layout for numerical simulation of fracture. Collaborator: Dr. Blaise Bourdin, Department of Mathematics.

  • Reconstruct 3D models from small-scale vertebrate paleontology fossils multi-millinion years ago. Collaborator: Dr. Suyin Ting, Dr. Judith Schiebout, LSU Museum of Natural Science.

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